Conservation week is a great opportunity to teach tamariki about the importance of taking care of our planet and te taiao. As kaiako, we have a responsibility to instill environmental values in our tamariki and create awareness of environmental issues.Here are some ideas on how to celebrate conservation week in your environment and some of our favourite TeacherTalk resources to further extend their learning.
Ngā Atua and te Taiao
Te Taiao represents the environment that we live in, and it is home of ngā Atua. Understanding our relationship with te Taiao is vital in understanding how we coexist with our surroundings. Te ao Māori believes that we are not separate entities from the environment, but rather, we are interconnected, and our actions have an impact on it.
Teaching our tamariki about environmental care and learning the value of conservation and preservation of te taiao is crucial in creating a better future. You can check out our range of Ngā Atua resources here
Use Recyclable Materials:
Celebrate conservation week by encouraging your tamariki to reuse recyclable or natural materials to create art projects! You could also use our Recycle station activity to differentiate what is rubbish and what is recyclable. Check out this blog here about using natural resources!
Create a Nature Hunt:
Nature is one of the best classrooms for tamariki to learn about the environment. Use TeacherTalk rauemi to organise a nature scavenger hunt for your tamariki. This activity encourages children to explore their surroundings, identify natural elements, and learn more about the importance of preserving our environment. Check out some of the resources you could use for this here:
- Bugs Memory Game
- Native Plants Memory Game
- Read pukapuka
Check out some of these pukapuka with themes about te taiao and ways tamariki can help:
- Papatūānuku has a Tummy Ache
- Celia and the Plastic Sea
- Natures Alphabet
- Backyard Beasts
- Taihoa, e hoa
Plant a Garden:
One of the most effective ways to teach tamariki about conservation is through hands-on experiences. You can use TeacherTalk rauemi to plan and set up an outdoor garden. Learning about the different kai that can be planted with our harvest and conservation download and also Tupuānuku activity. Talk about native plants we have in Aotearoa with our memory game and poster and Ngā Atua to help extend on the experience! This activity helps children understand the importance of growing healthy food while also learning about the vital role plants play in our ecosystem.
Educating our tamariki about the importance of te taiao is a critical part of instilling positive environmental values in the next generation. TeacherTalk offers a range of valuable resources that can help kaiako connect with tamariki and promote environmental awareness. By using TeacherTalk resources and implementing creativity, kaiako can help children establish a lifelong commitment to respecting the planet and preserving our natural world.