Pōhutukawa Activity tray prompts

Pōhutukawa Activity tray prompts

Pohutukawa is one of the oldest stars in the Matariki cluster. It serves as a symbolic link to those who have passed away, embodying the memories and spirits of ancestors. 
The star is a reminder of loved ones that have passed on and guides the loved ones across the night sky for the year, symbolising the circle of life and the importance of remembering those who came before us. During Matariki celebrations, it is a time to remember those that have passed, offering prayers and tributes to honour their legacy.

This pack is inspired by Pōhutukawa. Get ready to explore Pōhutukawa with this activity pack!

Our pack includes seven pages of prompts and activity sheets with kaiako prompts that tamariki can learn about the importance of a whāngai i te hautapu or often called hautapu today. In short it means to feed the stars with a sacred offering.

This pack includes a karakia, A3 poster of Pōhutukawa, 2 different colouring in pages - one of Pōhutukawa and the other for tamariki to draw a picture of a loved one, an A3 poster of a whāngai i te hautapu process with some kai images to aid discussions.


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